Sunday, 4 October 2009

Existence flows

Perhaps I had been a bit naive. A conversation with two medical students revealed the likelihood of Remy, my friend from the street, being paranoid schizophrenic, even if mildly. I had known that it wasn't just his story that had led me to him so hadn't considered fully the implications of his medical condition. However, on reflection following the medics observations and a further call with Remy in the mental hospital he has been sectioned to, I could immediately see the traits of an illness.

The interesting thing is that the love and role of me as a person who he can trust doesn't change as a result. Listening, even when educated as to the illness, is still an incredible remedy to the sound of a disturbed angry and frustrated mind. His exhaustion is clearly linked with the endless energy of creating an imaginary existence, but this flows away when he is actually connecting with someone.

Growing the connection with that which is conscious and not fabricated or governed by external conditions seems incredibly important. We stop travelling away from what is available in the here and now and sink deeply into that which does not change. And the true blessing is that which does not change really is perfect, complete and free, whoever we are and wherever we find ourselves.

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